Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Pa State Budget...

In regard to Brad Bumstead’s article (‘State staffers return to work’, Tribune-Review, Tuesday, July 10, 2007), I have several questions. Not of Brad, nice piece of work there, but of the residents of PA.

We must understand that the furloughs were for show, another ‘Fast Eddie’ sideshow trick designed to garner support for his budget. But in performing the lay-offs, Rendell designated 25,000 state employees as ‘non-essential.’ If these jobs are not essential to run the Commonwealth, why are the taxpayers of PA forced to pay their salaries and benefits?? Why not open these positions to private industry; where competitive forces could increase efficiency and provide unfettered tax revenue back to the state?

The other question concerns the Governors’ demand of tax credits for movie producers who film in PA. Huh? Is this not akin to an admission that the current tax rates are too high? If our representatives are continuously handing out tax breaks to bring business into the state, doesn’t it follow that the discounted rate would both bring in new, and retain existing business??

Just a thought.


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