Thursday, April 12, 2007

An open letter to America

“I don't see how you can lead this country to succeed in Iraq if you say wrong war, wrong time, and wrong place. What message does that send our troops? What message does that send to our allies? What message does that send the Iraqis?” – George W Bush.

Remember the Iraq war? It was a defining event in recent political history. It was a sweeping military victory that removed a despicable tyrant, followed by a year long struggle against vicious insurgents. The insurgents were holding out hope that their vicious actions would divide and weaken America, but that was not to be. Elected representatives of this glorious republic stood together and showed the terrorists what strength was! Oh, sure, not everyone agreed with the war, many did not; but they never let that division show to the enemy. The elected representatives debated policy and disagreed with each other; but kept these derisions within the walls of the people’s house, which is prudent. The Islamofascist insurgents and terrorists, who respect strength and power above all else, soon came to realize that America was not to be toyed with. They gave up their insurgency years ago, reconciled their sectarian differences, and are securely building the democratic state of Iraq. All this in four years – fully seven years quicker than we did! Amazing!

Wait a tick!! That’s not how it happened!

The real truth about Iraq is that it could have been like that. Unfortunately for thousands of America’s bravest and most honorable citizens, their service pay included a stab in the back from their elected representatives.
You see, we live in a well designed representative republic, not a democracy. Our forebears understood that democracies can lead down a path to socialism and tyranny, so they designed this representative system. In this system, we the people select volunteers from among our ranks to LEAD us. Those selected are to spend their time making the difficult decisions necessary to keep us safe and secure, maintain our liberties, and ensure that our rights are not violated (in other words LEAD). They may often need to act against the perceived communal interest; for blowing with the political wind, or governing by opinion poll are the worst forms of democracy! Those elected must also understand that they represent all of the people within their district; not just those that voted for them. Likewise, they cumulatively represent the United States of America; not just those on one side of the aisle, but ALL of them.
When America does anything, we do it as a country. When we send navy assets to airlift food and people in Indonesia, after the tsunami; WE do that. When we lower tax rates to stimulate the economy and create jobs; WE ALL benefit (I know what you are going to say, but the average American family pays $2600 less now). When America goes to war, WE ALL go to war.
So, when American leaders publicly speak out against the war, its policies, or the actions of our troops, it is detrimental on several levels. First and foremost, these actions have an adverse affect on the morale of troops prosecuting the war. Troops certainly look to their leaders for guidance; but also need to have a sense that the orders they follow are right and just. Conflicting messages about the fairness of their mission confuses the soldiers; making them a less effective force. And a political defeat, pulled from the jaws of victory, could do long term damage to the military’s esprit de corps – something that could take a years to rebuild. Second, these actions and words bolster the resolve of our enemy. The sub-human ‘insurgents’ in Iraq, and their supporters, understand only strength and power, so our enemies see internal quarreling and partisan attacks as signs of weakness. This perceived weakness strengthens their resolve to continue attacking and killing; thinking that the American steadfastness will weaken and we will pull out. So, when you hear "There was no firefight. There was no IED that killed these innocent people. Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them, and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood. (Murtha, May 19, 2006)” from John Murtha; it translates into another month of violence and hundreds dead. All of the talk about deadlines, timelines and dates for withdrawal infuse our enemies with confidence that their plan will work; if only they can keep up the violence.

We need to stand strong and united, as one America, against this enemy. This is not George Bush’s war; it is our war, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Murtha, Hillary Clinton, New York Times, Washington Post, and me. It is OUR responsibility to ensure victory; and public dissent, partisan quarreling, and political maneuvering is NOT the way to get it done!

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