Friday, April 27, 2007


In regard to Jeremy Boren's article ('Lower Hill panel might find cues elsewhere in Pens' arena talks', Tribune-Review, Friday, April 27, 2007 ) -- When are the citizens of western PA going to realize the truth in the old adage: 'If you build it, they will come'? I'm not talking about the arena, rather your communities. Highly confiscatory taxes and burdensome regulations drive dollars (read: jobs) out and keep them away. How many times do you need to see infusions of public cash into 'depressed' areas fail, to realize wealth redistribution schemes never work. What does work is true (read: non-Rendell) tax and regulation reform, providing a business-friendly environment. Need Proof? - check out the 5 fastest growing states in the US; Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Florida, and Utah; what do they have in common? According to the Tax Foundation; lower and simpler systems of tax and regulation. Those states are growing because their business-friendly systems attract companies and employees (read: people, like all those our area has lost). Wake up WPA! A politician's ability to bring tax dollars (read: monies that should never have been taken) BACK into his/her district is not a reason to celebrate; it is just simply poor governance.


Unknown said...

I couldn't agree with you more! I am watching our Moon Twp "leaders" argue like 5 year olds and spend millions of $ arguing about who is right and I want to throw a brick through the television! I truly hope that someone stands above these children and "leads" them into a decision that benefits the community. Why don't you lead them?

Unknown said...

Does anyone realize that all of our PA teachers will now retire with 80% FULL PAY? Teachers work 8 months a year, get out at 3:00 every day, have TENURE and can strike at will! What a great deal? I do agree that they have the toughest job in the world however I am SICK of hearing them cry about how under paid they are!
Teachers are not underpaid, they are under appreciated. My pension fund went down this year, teachers and politicians went up thanks to the tax payers!