Thursday, November 09, 2006

We Won!

It seems to me that this election was the most anti-one-party in recent history. The republicans had a platform in 1994, and most of the people voted for it. This year, the democrats had no such platform; and the leadership virtually disappeared during the last two weeks beforehand (except John Kerry, bless his heart!).

Considering that most conservative ballot initiatives and referendums passed with flying colors; and most of the dems that wrested control of seats from republicans were hand-picked conservatives; this election seems to have been completely anti-republican! With nothing else to distract them, voters cast their ballots for the next best thing. Apparently, all in an effort to smack-down the current GOP-ers -- and boy did they ever deserve it!

Hopefully, these new conservative democrats will stand up to their wacked-out-liberal-psycho leadership, and maintain the current conservative slant in the house. The senate was already lost.

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